Monday, February 23, 2015

Yay or Nay, The Right to Chose

So, I stumbled across a post on Facebook today that, as usual, made me want to face palm hard enough to send my eyes skittering down my spine and out my asshole. Yes I know that makes no sense, but neither did the comments on this post. Basically, it stated, that men should have no option to weigh in on whether or not a woman aborts his child, because he doesn’t have a uterus.
I am so pro-choice I should have it tattooed on my luscious ass. I am also a staunch feminist. I believe in equality. I believe in rape culture and patriarchy just as much.
What I saw in the comments on this literally made me so mad and scared that I was nauseous. Women (and men) who honestly believed that the male partner should be able to dictate whether or not the female partner could abort a child. If he wanted it, she had to keep it.

You know why this terrifies me?
You put into place a piece of legislation that dictates a woman cannot abort a foetus if the father wants it. You’ve now made it the government’s business what a woman does with her own reproductive system. Like they don’t already dictate to me what I do with it already.
I’m 23. I have a high school diploma, a year of university under my belt, a myriad of safety courses taken through my provincial government, I’m sound of mind and body, and if I wanted to I could help decide the fate of my country through voting, or use my body to fight for the liberties / rights / freedoms of others, and DIE in that pursuit. But I cannot decide at 23 years old whether or not I want to have children. I cannot get a hysterectomy. I cannot get my tubes tied. My insurance will not pay for an IUD, but it will pay for oral contraceptive which is less effective.

So they’re already telling me I can’t truly decide NOT to have children ( using a permanent method of contraception like a hysterectomy), which would be a truly effective means of birth control. But, I can sure as fucking hell get pregnant, dump said developed zygote on the government’s doorstep, and walk away with zero fucks given.

If a man has the ability to use the law to attack a woman’s right to chose, what else will they ( the government, not just men) be able to do? A woman has to ask her employer to have a child because she’ll need to take mat leave? A woman has to ask to get condoms or birth control because preventing the conception of a child becomes the same as aborting one? At what stage do we say enough? No, this is my body, I need to make the decisions about it. No one else should have the right to be able to force me into doing something. That is a form of rape to me. There are no grey areas when it comes to rape. Either someone’s consent was violated, or it wasn’t. And by telling a woman that she has to irrevocably change her life for the next ten months, just because her male partner, who happened to contribute genetic material during a mutually enjoyable sexual encounter, decides he wants the by-product? He can say, No. That child is mine. I want it. So you now have to take time off work, go to the hospital, endure unmistakable discomfort and pain, even though you DO NOT WANT TO. She does not consent to her body being used this way. But the government will force her too.

Hell fucking no.

This is my body. And I will decide what happens to it.
I have spent my entire life having men and ignorant women trying to dictate to me what I can and cannot do with myself.
Be thin, Victoria, because it’s more attractive.
Be less opinionated, Victoria, you’re being obnoxious.
Give in to other peoples desires, Victoria, you’re a prude / bitch / cunt / tease if you don’t.
Cover up Victoria, you need to be lady-like and not attract the wrong type of attention, because it’s YOUR responsibility what men think of when they look at you.
Sit still, be silent, do what you’re told Victoria, because if you don’t people won’t like you.
Thank the Gods I have parents who are fucking amazing, who understand how to raise a daughter with the proper weapons to combat the shitty fucking world we live in. I’m certainly sick and tired of people thinking they can weigh in on my choices / my body.
If I want to have a kid, I’ll fucking have one.
If I don’t want to have a child, NO ONE CAN TELL ME TO HAVE ONE. Just because he happened to have sperm with the motile ability to swim up my vaginal canal competently doesn’t mean he gets a say in whether or not that sperm gets to stay there, merged with my body, awaiting to wreak havoc on my life.

On a side note, as a believer in equality, if I decide to have a child, and my male partner doesn’t, he shouldn’t have to deal with my decision. The onus is now on me. He shouldn’t have to pay child support, fees, insurance, or anything. If he wants no part of that child, he should not be forced by anyone to partake of that child’s life in any way.

This all makes me so mad. I see it all the time. Girls getting sent home because their bra straps were showing. Or their shoulders, their thighs were showing. You are sexualizing children. We are so obsessed with women’s bodies and what they do with them, that we are ignoring the fact that we are human fucking beings.
If a person fell ill, and it turned out you were a match for bone marrow / kidney transplant with them, do they automatically have the right to receive it from you? Hell no. No fucking way. This is no different. My parents gave birth to me. Raised me. Fed me and clothed me. If one of them falls ill with said illness, do they have the right to force me to give up a kidney for them? No. But they contributed genetic material to me? They were the ones that raised me. Doesn’t fucking change this fact. Throw sex into the mix, and suddenly things change. Because abortion and sex are such hot topics, such taboo scenarios, that suddenly all the normal rules and regulations of consent go out the fucking window.

I say no. My body is not your battle ground. It is my temple, my haven, my place where I control what happens. Not you.

And if you have a problem with that, you can suck my proverbial dick.



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