Monday, August 5, 2013

I Should Have Stayed Home

So I took a shift at work today from a co-worker. She’s not particularly keen on working concession for closing shifts...or working at all really. So here I am at work on a day I could have spent watching Korean dramas and eating cherries on my couch. I’m completely comfortable in the knowledge that it is a Sunday night on a long weekend and everyone should be camping... Yeah, thanks a lot Murphy’s Law you cunt faced whore. We were ridiculously busy for a Sunday night first rush. I managed not to off myself overdosing on fake cheer and civility but by the time I was done the set I had come to a conclusion:

Stupid people should never work customer service. EVER.

Yeah, I’m a bitch. Trust me, I know.

One of my co-workers is literally so fucking stupid I’m pretty sure her mother threw her at a wall when she was a baby. Not just dropped her, but full throttle whipped her at a wall. Her thought process isn’t what ours is; you know point A to point B. Hers is more like: Point A..... *whistling noise*....*explosion*.... Point F. Yep. It’s taken a lot of my patience not to just reach out and pluck her head off her shoulders. She is literally the stupidest person I have ever met...and if she has a learning disability I sincerely apologize, but you should have a disclaimer or something for that. I legitimately fear for any children she has, she’ll probably give them Miracle Grow thinking they’ll grow faster. Dear Gods.  Now I closed with her, sent her off to clean things in the hopes she wouldn’t use the wrong chemical or leave the theatre entirely (she’s done this before).  We managed to get through closing without setting the place on fire and I was beyond ecstatic to be on my way home.

So of course the bus decided not to show up. Yupp. Sometimes they come after midnight on Sundays...sometimes not. Drives me fucking bat shit I tell you. So I took a cab home after realizing I was stranded and came home to two cats and a friend. And ants. Did I tell you about the ants? Our house has been taken over by the little fuckers. So my friend and I decided to eradicate the little shits... took off the baseboard by my entertainment unit and vacuumed them up, sealed a hole in the wall there then sealed another hole in the furnace room after pelting them with Windex and Raid. Now I’m sitting here trying to get the internet to function properly and waiting for True Blood to load, because there is no way I’m going to bed without chocolate and sexy vampires *cough Eric Northman cough*

On the whole I guess today hasn’t been a horrible day... it just would have been nice to actually have a day off to chill and not deal with stupid people, cleaning, and bugs. Oh well, the show goes on I guess.

P.S. I really wish people would be reliable... instead of fucking me over constantly.

~ Viki

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